Music As Meditation

You can listen to music mindfully, but that isn't really meditation. Breath in, breath out, barking dog, chattering people, cars driving by, whatever appears in the moment. The most important of these supports is regular contact with a capable teacher or other wise and centered guide. I have never achieved anything wile I tried to meditate earlier.

Hear more about the science and benefits of meditation from experts at 10% Happier. The host, veteran news reporter Dan Harris, discovered meditation after having an on-air panic attack. Using apps can be an easy way to explore meditation and discover which type feels right for you.

In fact, numerous meditation practices are based solely around breathing, with the idea that mental and emotional benefits will follow. There’s a reason yoga and meditation go hand in hand. Coordinating your inhales and exhales to physical movements actually has measurable effects on your mental focus.

Studies at Harvard show that meditation inhibits the functioning of the default mode network that is associated with anxious mind-wandering. The resulting “here and now” mind-state generates a deep sense of focused calm, well-being, and a strong connection to others. In fact, meditation’s default-mode-inhibiting qualities may be one of the key driving factors of its well-documented ability to reduce anxiety and stress-related disorders. Using meditation skills to focus on where we are and who we are with—AKA “living in the present moment”—greatly reduces the types of thinking that cause unhappiness. Lots of people believe music must be categorized as spiritual in order for the result of listening to be spiritual. If you have this preconception, meditating with anything other than kirtan, chanting, new age, sacred music, binaural beats etc. would seem less productive.

This technique involves deep, even-paced breathing using the diaphragm muscle to expand your lungs. The purpose is to slow your breathing, take in more oxygen, and reduce the use of shoulder, neck and upper chest muscles while breathing so that you breathe more efficiently. This is a form of gentle Chinese martial arts. In tai chi (TIE-CHEE), you perform a self-paced series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner while practicing deep breathing.

Keeping these benefits in mind, there have been new developments in creating music that when paired with meditation help increase its impact. Which is a unique kind of music especially engineered to help meditators achieve a deeper and more relaxed state. Studies have shown that listening to slow and hypnotic music can alter brain wave patterns, by matching frequencies that boost brain activity. In addition to activating various types of hormones such as, serotonin and dopamine. Which also make a positive impact on the mind and body.

And on Music and Meditation (available at, I lead listeners into a deep meditation using guitar and flute music as well as crystal singing bowls. While the idea of music is similar to that of mantras, in that it produces an energy or a vibration that one becomes consumed in, the truth is, not all music will elicit a calming effect. The most scientifically and time-tested method to build concentration abilities, and one-minded focus is with meditation. This breathing takes about 90 seconds to complete. Within this time, the individual can notice the worrying thoughts, and begin to control and release them. As mentioned earlier, each word and sound has its own unique vibration.

By slowing down the breath, holding it in, and then exhaling for a longer time, the individual can get rid of as much carbon dioxide as possible, and return the body to its equilibrium. Not only is deep breathing easy to learn, but it becomes automatic with practice. The Psychology Dictionary describes relaxation as a “state of being relaxed”.

This community is for sharing experiences, stories and instruction relating to the practice of meditation. A lot of bad advice and hot hair from people who are quite possibly miserable despite years of trying to stick to some overly restrictive notion of what meditation is, here. Don't get too hung up on what meditating is and isn't. There isn't such thing as "correct meditation" except for in someone's own terms.

The sounds of water beating over rocks, rain, or birds chirping is incredibly peaceful and Healing Music makes for a pleasant meditation experience. I personally meditate using the guided meditation app called Calm. Although Calm largely offers guided meditations, I primarily listen to their sounds-only meditation and my favorite is rainfall.

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